Friday, June 17, 2005

Summer 2005

A great idea from the Superhero Journal:

The summer is approaching and I am reminded of a great exercise I read in a Rob Brezsny horoscope several years ago. He told the reader to write an essay from the future entitled, 'What I did during the summer of 2005 that made me a better, smarter, happier person.'
{Well maybe it didn't say 2005, but we will} Then he asked you to mail it to him with a self-addressed stamped envelope and he promised mail the essay back to you at the end of the summer. It was like your very own transmission-to-the-future time capsule thingy.
It was so powerful for me to do this. When I received the letter back I was shocked that every single item on my list had come true. This is like magic people!

So let's take it on. Mail me your essays with an SASE and I will mail them back to you in September. Go big! Go outrageous! This is your letter to the future!
Be sure to list the thing you think you cannot have. That's where the juice is.

Andrea Scher
P.O. Box 401174
SF, CA 94140-1174


At 5:13 PM, Blogger Cerulean Bill said...

That's scary stuff, Angie.


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