Sunday, February 25, 2007

Go with your gut

What are the consequences when you ignore that feeling in the pit of your stomach? Is it an inability to stop talking, trying to wash away my doubts in a sea of words? Only gaining excitement from the excitement of others? Fearing that you'll hurt someone you're close to or find yourself in this same situation again soon?

What are the consequences when you ignore that feeling in the pit of your stomach, besides a stomachache?

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At 11:51 AM, Blogger Cerulean Bill said...

Sometimes, glory and exhilaration; sometimes, distress and despair. And occasionally, something in between.

Your gut has a reason for knowing what it knows, and thats usually based on experience. It isn't known for excouraging spontaneous behavior. It wants things to stay as they are.

At 2:05 PM, Blogger African Kelli said...

I agree with Bill.
I'd say in my experience not following my gut leads to regret.


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