Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Best of Bad Baby Names

Need a laugh? Visit Best of Bad Baby Names: "Prospective parents should give potential baby names a test: did they fit better in the sentence, 'Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States [blank] [blank]' or 'And now, on the main stage, the Lusty Beaver Adult Club presents the hot action of [blank] [blank].' I think hospital forms should be reformatted to force parents to do just that. "

Angie takes no responsibility for helpless giggling or breathlessness caused by said giggling, or being caught obviously not working by co-workers and supervisors if viewing the above site during working hours.



At 5:46 AM, Blogger Cerulean Bill said...

My wife's obgyn told me that when he worked at a 'birthing center' in Maryland, one family named King gave their new child the first name of Nosmo.

Put the two together.

At 3:33 PM, Blogger ColeTrain said...

That's nothing... check out this guy, and the tongue-in-cheek subtitle to his bio.


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