Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Holding back

Since I started working at my new job, I have won two weeks of the football pool, spent a couple weeks atop the season-long football pool standings, and won a coworker's baby pool. We also alternate weeks bringing breakfast for the office on Fridays and my first entry garnered many comments that it would be a serious contender for the breakfast award at the annual holiday party.

While participating in these office traditions is a great way to get to know my coworkers in a more social manner, when I picked up my picks sheet for the football pool last week, someone made the comment about how I seemed to be winning everything.

Every day this week I've looked at the list of contests we're doing in our office for my favorite holiday--pumpkin carving, costumes and office decorating. I had a very clever idea for pumpkin carving this year--perfect for an Angineer--but I keep thinking of what my coworker said, and I decided not to spend this evening up to my arms in pumpkin goo. Instead of getting up early on Halloween morning, I'll go with the quick and easy costume option and keep my more elaborate costume for the evening festivities. So I'll keep my celebrations more limited to my house and participate without going the extra mile. I think I'll miss going all out, but I will enjoy having extra time during my evenings this week and joining in the camaraderie at work on Friday without standing out.

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At 7:29 AM, Blogger Cerulean Bill said...

Well, golly. I think you ought to stand out -- but thats just one guy's opinion. Emphasis on the 'guy'.

At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turns out that I did stand out--only two of us dressed up so I won money with my quick and easy costume. Best of both world!


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