Unusual outlook
The Pensacola News Journal: "Several roads in Escambia County are closed. They include:
-- All roads that normally flood in the downtown area"
Doesn't this indicate a problem to anyone else?
Labels: internet
Drawing only straight lines since 2004
The Pensacola News Journal: "Several roads in Escambia County are closed. They include:
Labels: internet
It seems incongrous to emerge from my building, head full of storm progress and water levels, into a perfect Colorado afternoon--bright blue sky punctuated by a few white puffy clouds, mid-80s with bright sunshine and a seasonable breeze.
1. The heat and humidity. Specifically:
2. That the university, city and my friends continue to change while I'm not there.
3. Wow--the Arch is tall!!
4. That I can't help my attraction to T. But also that I know it will never work between us, Kathy or no-Kathy.
5. The best memories aren't from planned moments--they just happen.
Is there an expiration date on the possibility of a first kiss?
Labels: Workplace
Every time I start a Sophie Kinsella book, I wonder why I'm bothering to read it. Having read four of her "shopaholic" books, I had sworn off any more of her books, even if the preview of her latest book had caught my eye as I gratefully finished the last one. But somehow at the library last week I found myself picking up "Can You Keep a Secret?"
Labels: internet, virtual book club
Labels: Workplace
Walking back from the printer, I saw the new guy's shiny white shaved head glinting under the fluorescent lights as he bowed his head over his computer keyboard. I backed up and walked past his aisle again. Yup, still bent over his keyboard in front of his blank-screened computer. What is he doing? Praying before lunch? Napping? Sending good wishes forth for the new AutoCAD drawing he is about to create?
Labels: Workplace
I finally watched 13 Going On 30 tonight for the first time. In this movie, Jen's newly 30 character has to redesign a teen magazine and in her presentation she recreates the high school dream that the media sells every teenage girl. Having undergone a Big-like transition, she doesn't remember her teenage years and to some extent I think that is why it seems so attractive. Even those of us who have primarily positive memories of that time also remember the turmoil and uncertainty of trying to find our way as our world changed around us--or maybe as we changed in a static world.
Labels: 30 Going on 30, birthday, college, flirty and thriving, high school, John Hughes
I love theme parties so I had to share an excerpt from Smitten.
Alex was forced into a fire engine red hammer and sickle t-shirt and an authentic Russian fur-edged leather hat, despite the broiling heat; he was yelled at every time he tried to remove it. They headed to the Russian bath houses on East 9th Street for public scrub downs, then to the KGB bar, only to find it was closed. Never to be kept from their mid-day schnapps, they went to Odessa [sense a theme here? Hey, did I ever mention Alex is Russian?], then a Russian restaurant on Second Avenue, before going up to the Russian Vodka Room – where Alex was to do a shot with each reveler and write down a quote from them – and coincidentally the last part he remembers with any clarity.
As a senior in college, two of my roommates and I went out one night to see the latest romantic comedy - Keeping the Faith. From the previews it looked like our standard "feel good" fare. But when Jake, a rabbi, breaks off his clandestine relationship with his childhood friend Anna because she isn't Jewish, I started to sob so hard I couldn't breathe. I stared straight ahead, barely seeing the screen through my tears, afraid that I was going to have to run out of the theater because I couldn't handle the film's parallels to the end of my relationship with PJ.
Labels: faith, family, Keeping The Faith, PJ, religion, roommates